
College is tough! Endless reading, papers galore, grueling cram sessions for midterms and finals. It’s a struggle. For the nontraditional student, the pressure to perform well academically and juggle the responsibilities of work and family  can be overwhelming. Being a nontraditional college student myself, I know the struggle all too well. That’s what this blog is all about. Feeling drained and defeated by the time your first midterm rolls around? Struggling with post finals blues? Take a deep breath, count to ten – you absolutely CAN do this. I hope to share with you a growing list of resources that I have found to be useful so far in my college journey, as well as tips and tricks I’ve discovered along the way, and my own experiences and struggles. Do you have resources that you couldn’t get through a semester without? Do you have advice for fellow students? Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Much of what I share will be most useful to English majors, but don’t let that stop you from suggesting resources that have been useful to you. It’s easy to find yourself feeling alienated and alone in the diverse college world today and the main goal of this site is to provide a sense of community for students from all backgrounds and in various programs of study.

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