Your Paper is great at the Prose Level BUT…

There is no fresher hell than that week or so between submitting a paper and receiving your graded paper with feedback from your professor. As an English major I suffer through this all semester long. I love, love, love to write and I like to think I’m fairly good at it. Being a good writer doesn’t mean that you’re going to ace those lit papers, though, much to my chagrin. I typically manage to get B’s on most of my papers, but now and again I get a big fat C with a comment like, “Your paper is great at the prose level, BUT…”  I interpret this as, “You’re a good writer, but you still suck,” and my graded papers often look something like this…editing

No, this is not actually one of my papers, but you get the idea. So, yeah, it’s a bit disheartening. I’m going to share a little something with you, though, that my literary studies professor said in class the other day. “When I mark up your papers like that, I’m showing you my love.” I know, it sounds like crap, but it’s absolutely true. Professors spend countless hours pouring over papers all semester long and when they take the time to sit down and tear your paper apart – and trust me new students, they will tear your papers apart – all those comments, no matter how harsh, are entirely for your benefit. Your professor is investing time and energy into pointing out to you exactly where you’re going wrong because they have faith that you have the necessary tools to use these criticisms to your benefit.

My advice to you? Read over the tattered remains of your paper and go ahead and be as angry and disgusted as you like.

paper revisions

Put it away and wallow in your martyrdom for a day or so. Then take out that paper and read it all over again. Make some marks of your own. Don’t understand exactly what your professor is saying? Circle any unclear comments, write down any questions you have, and then reach out. For me, reaching out to my professors was difficult at first, but that’s what they’re there for. Trust me, they are much more understanding when they know you’re taking their class seriously. Schedule an appointment with your professor, ask her if she would be willing to take another look at your paper if you take the time to sit down and revise it. Is this going to get you extra points? Maybe, maybe not. It will show your professor that you’re paying attention and it will most certainly put you on the right track for any future papers you write for that particular professor.

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